
The Amazingly Academic Book Project


1. Selected books must be Fiction.

2. There are no minimal page requirements, however, they can not exceed 600 pages.

3. You MUST read at least 75%, the rest can be skimmed.

4. Spark notes and cliff notes are strictly prohibited.

5. Watching the movie DOES NOT COUNT. Duh. (Neither Do Audio Books)

6. Reports are not to exceed five paragraphs.

7. Reports MUST include a synopsis, at least one basic character analysis, and a general reflection.

8. Humor and brutality is encouraged.

9. YOU MAY NOT CHOOSE YOUR OWN BOOK!!!!!!!! Your assignment will be given to you.

10. Reports should be completed in a timely manner based on the book and it's generally perceived difficulty level.

11. Any rule can be exempted on the basis of awesome epicness. Argument must be given and agreed upon unanimously prior to report being made.

Let the Book Reports Begin!

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